A Day With Grandma

The most prominent thought that strikes our mind when we hear the word grandparents is about generations, gaps, ideals, and a blurry image of our grandparents. We quickly switch our brain on suspended mode and prepare to travel o…


Most of us generally couldn't define the word 'alone'. Take a look in the dictionary and, you will find out that "Alone" is defined as "having no one else present". One day a question fl…

The Room Of Thousand Mirrors

"Don't blame me for your image. I reveal only what your mind believes it sees," said the mirror. My coffee was getting cold; I was late for the meeting. My phone was screaming with calls while lying on …

Shadow Of The Sunlight

“Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.” ―Hafiz What do you like the most, scorching sun or a moo…

The Confession Of A Lamp

"I have all the light to give, but the takers are falling for the dark," said the lonely lamp.  The most honest confessions are made in the nostalgiac environments pampered by the bliss of solitude. It was the…

The Road To Reality

It was 8 A.M and felt like just another day to me. I prepared my backpack, charged my smartphone and was ready to fulfil the wanderlust brewing inside me. The only thing that seemed off was my inability to find my g…

The Voyage

"The one who does not travel does not know the value of men." My dad used to say these words to me every time we have some company. Since the brain is of an engineer hence, it instantly switched t…