Can you really be alone?, loneliness, mindfullness, reading

Most of us generally couldn't define the word 'alone'. Take a look in the dictionary and, you will find out that "Alone" is defined as "having no one else present". One day a question flashed inside my mind, is it possible to be completely alone? Now you would be thinking, what kind of silly question is this? People can be lonely sometimes, its no big deal. Here comes the tricky part, feeling lonely and being alone are two different things. When people say they are alone, they are talking about feeling loneliness. The feeling is a product of a bunch of chemical reactions messing up with your forebrain. Now my question may have started to show some relevance. So, let's DECODE "LONELINESS".

Talking about the feelings, we all may have met people with infinite calm at least once in our lives. They are not very fragile to feelings. How do they manage this all? The answer is in their attitude. They very smartly choose to be like this. However, they are unaware of this enigma that they possess. When I was thinking to write about it, I asked several familiar faces around me about what are their thoughts over being alone or feeling lonely in general. Can you guess what did they answer? Every single word they uttered was their collection of feelings. Their words emerged from the most emotional centres of their subconscious mind and, none of them coincided with the definition of 'ALONE'. It seemed like everybody is depressed in this world, but that's not the truth because I am the exception here like many others. Clearly, it states that people are not very alert regarding their mental wellbeing. They do not give a second thought to the relevance and react in confusion, finally declaring themselves alone. "THE TRUTH IS WE CAN NEVER BE ALONE".

Quantum mechanics suggests that "the reality is the perception of an observer". We associate ourselves with different physical objects, either living or non-living. It explains the souvenirs we collect to symbolise our memories or association with somebody or something. These souvenirs become our companions of loneliness. One does not need mastery in Quantum Mechanics to understand this fact. The people who love to live alone usually associate themselves with different kinds of collector's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that one should keep oneself busy to tackle depression or loneliness. We should learn to channel our feelings and solidarity into some constructive habits. When we develop some hobbies, we establish a connection with our subconscious. Our best half resides in our subconscious mind. We should try to create a balance between our subconscious and present self. Our most creative part lives inside our subconscious. The ones who acknowledge their subconscious mind always have it to give them a company.

If we take a look at all the successful people ever born, from scientists to the great leaders, we will find that they use to spend some time in solitude. The world thinks that they do so to get relief from a tiresome day, but the truth is that they spend this time to harness their subconscious mind. They convert the thoughts generated from their subconscious mind to some useful entity. The human brain can hold up to seven notions at a time while our subconscious holds information about every single activity we perform. One can use this to overcome his fears and faults and emerge as the best version of themselves.

Who do you think is the entity responsible for your instincts? Where do all the voices come echoing through your head? What stops you in the first place to do some bad thing? It is none other than your subconscious. Thus, it proves that no one can ever be alone. YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IS TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT AND ACCEPT IT AS A PART OF YOURSELF. Hence, you will always have someone to trust with final decisions. Look, you are not alone anymore. LONELINESS IS A MYTH.


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Your words hold great value to me.