travel, voyage, story, search

"The one who does not travel does not know the value of men."

My dad used to say these words to me every time we have some company. Since the brain is of an engineer hence, it instantly switched to the calculative mode, trying to relate the aforesaid context with the practical terms. He quickly realised what I was thinking and told me to pack my bag. At first, I thought I was being expelled from the house for some unknown presumptuous act. But then I saw my dad was also packing his bag. What now? Are we both being expelled? It did not take much time to realise that he was taking me on a short trip. "Practical always holds superior to the theory", Yes? What was coming next is something I have never felt before. Although dad took me to lots of trips before, this one felt different. On earlier occasions when we went on a trip, we had lots of fun and adventure but, this time it reached deep inside the subconscious. What did I do new this time? And this is what makes the first spell of self-exploration.

You would be thinking, it pings to the idea that I am going to talk about travelling as a method to therapeuticise the mind. You would be expecting the advantages, disadvantages.etc. But that's not what I intend to do. I will be more realistic and honest. The time I entered in the paradigm shift about the influence of travelling to one's mind, I preferred the biological response of your body towards a sudden change of the environment. There is a very popular saying in Sanskrit which says, "The intelligence of a person who travels in different countries and associates with the scholars expand, just as a drop of oil expands in water." This is very much true in its practical sense. The moment you enter any new environment, your brain starts to secrete some hormones which make you alert and observant. If you visit any travel destination or watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset, your brain secretes relaxing hormones along with the ones to make you alert and observant. And here starts the reboot of your mind, to initiate the ride to another dimension of your subconscious. Aah! Too much science. Well, the most interesting part is the feeling associated with this response.

What I felt new on this trip was the type of information held by nature, that grazed through my brain. This all happened unknowingly. But, I found the source of such experience. What actually happened is that I left my smartphone at home. I opened myself completely to the surroundings and instead of engaging myself in the series of selfies and photographs, I just stood still and observed the vibrant life lurking outside the digital maze. It was so alive and positively impacting, that I instantly made up my mind to spend most of the time observing and inventing rather than being occupied to the virtual digital world. I realised what I missed for so long. I forgot what it meant to be happy, and that was the time I made a choice, the choice to be happy. That could only be done by indulging yourself to the natural world instead of spending countless hours on smartphones. Nowadays people talk more with their thumbs than their mouth. How different are we than robots? I decided not to be one.

This is the time I realised the true specifications of my brain. It helped me multidimensionally in all aspects, whether it's my profession, my social life or more importantly, my knowledge about self. The way nature engraved its effect on my brain taught me the practical ways to logic. We have been taught since birth, what to think. Now I knew how to think. And that's what initiated the mind reboot of my life, bringing it to its true potential.


Your words hold great value to me.