thinking, shadow, sun, story

“Even after all this time the sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me."

Look what happens with a love like that, it lights the whole sky.” ―Hafiz

What do you like the most, scorching sun or a moonlit night? Of course, the moonlit night. This question has an obvious answer. Afterall who would like to receive sunburns? Moon is a delightful fantasy for most of the romantic couples and introverts. Everyone is amused by the moon when its light shines on our tired faces and seems like we have taken a bath of charm-filled silver dust. Its light is very magical. Isn't it? While on the other hand, the scorching sunlight is not very pleasing. It seems like millions of photons bombarding the earth with a burning intensity. We always feel uneasy and itching in such a scenario. The moon is considered as the symbol of tranquillity while the sun as heat and power. But, did you ever think what makes the moon to shine? It is the sun whose light the moon reflects and takes all the credit for the joy it implants in the hearts of the beings. But, we only endorse what we feel and not the origin of the feeling.
You know, the sun never complains of what we think about it. It is not affected by the fame of the moon. It has far greater objectives hence has no time to argue for the designation that we give. It focuses on the motive of greater good than the momentary assurance of pleasure. And, this is the reason we entitle every great icon to the glory of the sun. The moon may be the source of calmness in our hearts, but the sun is the source of every heartbeat. Nature has plenty of ingredients to assist with the quest of our life and, this is one of them. The intensity of sunlight may not be comforting, but it will always be lighting our ways to reach the divine. So is the truth of life. At first, it may not seem easy to achieve what we are longing for but, in the end, its the sun whose shadow we are going to thank.
Every desire requires a price. We must be firm about what are we willing to give in exchange for what we desire. Something for nothing is a myth. Everything comes with a price and if you are not willing to pay, forget to achieve your desire. The level of hardship is the indication of a bigger prize. While walking in the scorching sunlight, we may face thirst, exertion, fatigue and lots of problems but what we are going to make from it depends on our choice of persistence. If we stay firm on our way, in the end, the shadow of sunlight is the most comforting reward we can endorse. At that time we will forget about the moon or any other luxury in the world. The only thing that will matter then is the shadow of sunlight. It will become the ultimate luxury of that time and, nothing else in this world can replace that feeling. 
It is interesting to note the fact that the same does not happen with the shadow of the moon. While walking in the moonlight if you feel tired or thirsty and take refuge under its shadow, you still will be longing for other sources of luxury. It will certainly not be the most satisfying feeling in comparison to walking in the sunlight. Even though you have reached your destination and feel happy about it, you cannot endorse the experience with much intensity. Although you have achieved your goal, you cannot appreciate it with greater magnitude. It proves again that the level of hardship is an indication of a greater reward. We must know that without tasting the salt, you cannot appreciate the sweetness.


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