dream, story, road, mind

It was 8 A.M and felt like just another day to me. I prepared my backpack, charged my smartphone and was ready to fulfil the wanderlust brewing inside me. The only thing that seemed off was my inability to find my glasses. Although my glasses are not my eyes, they are just an accessory to look farther. I rewound my checklist to make sure if I missed something. Finally, everything seemed fine and I could head towards my dream destination. The day was very pleasant; it carried a little amount of warmth with the traces of clouds, floating on fragrant air. How else can we define a good day? Everything seemed balanced in every sense. The journey was running smooth and then a moment came when I could recognise my dream destination from a distance. What happened next changed my whole concept of reality. When I was just a few steps away from my dream destination, something unimaginable happened, "I woke up from sleep!". My eyes opened with a shock and I found myself lying on my bed like I was some kind of dummy. All I saw was the chaos in my life that can be witnessed by the untidy configuration of my desk followed by a heap of clothes. I spent the next few minutes in confusion lying on my bed, trying to explain the situation to myself. Finally, I realised it was a beautifully assembled dream whose ending needs a lot of work. What should I call it, a good one or a bad one? At first, it seemed like a good dream but the way it ended, it felt like what else could happen worse. After that, my whole perception of the ultimate reality changed.

What is reality? This question has haunted the human minds throughout our evolution and yet we are far away from defining it. The roots of the whole human unrest spread deep inside the confusion of reality. We fail to see the truth and when things act against our will, we start to blame our fate. We waste countless hours finding objects to blame and forget our stand in this reality. If we become brave enough to accept the fact that what we do not know, we do not know; we can develop the infinite possibility of knowing. To understand the aspects of reality, we need to expand our methodology of interpreting the incoming information. Without knowing the broadness of any fact, we start making conclusions which disappoint us in some ways in the end. We tend to react first instead of thinking and end up creating a mess of everything we make. Humans are supposed to respond instead of reacting. That's what makes us different from animals. We can understand this fact if we involve other humans in our lives instead of living inside a virtual world.

To know the reality, we can start with knowing ourselves. According to quantum mechanics, "The universe does not exist until there is someone to observe it." All that we observe is the connection of reality with the universe. Knowing yourself is the best possible way to grasp the truth. Try to find some stillness in your life and then you can have full control over your thoughts. One thing that I noticed along my voyage is every time I introspect, my brain creates new connections. These connections further relate to my existence and end up discovering some hidden part of myself. All the consciousness residing in this universe has a link to some idea or thought lurking inside our mind. Every impulse of thought that floats through our minds contributes to the existence of this ultimate reality. To understand reality, all of us need to live life together as a single organism. Our state of mind plays a significant role in establishing this connection. The journey of knowing self requires a lot of patience and consistency in our lives. I realised that the secrets of the universe hide inside us; we only need to dive deeper and fetch them up. So make a choice today, take a deep breath and work with the motive to explore yourself and refine the connection with the cosmos because in the end, we all are star-dust.


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