mental, health, fresh, motivation
"There are no limitations to the mind except those that we acknowledge."
Found this while surveying through my brain attic and polishing my reading habits. 

The universe is a work of art. Isn't it? The more you tend to know the more you realise there is still a lot we don't know. This could seem to stress some, but as you dive deep inside the space-time with your stillness, you will find yourself being enlightened. Now, what is this happening? You suddenly dive into an attic of your mind and find millions of impulses of information and memories, gradually settling into a chain of musical notes. Once which seemed to be chaos, is stagnant ocean now. What is this miracle that has happened right now? Everything was normal a few moments ago and now it seems you plunged into some other dimension. It's confusing as it feels so empty at once and suddenly fills up with millions of impulses on another instance.

Don't panic! I am not driving crazy. It is just the vibration that you feel while meditating with all your soul and desires packed aside. It's just the beginning of the sensation of the cosmic form that you were unaware of till now. It's just a reminder of your hidden potential that's being called by your subconscious while you focus on your inner-self. Hence, you initiated a "Mind Reboot".

Here I will take you on a voyage to the deeper aspects of space and time through the practical scientific methods of finding your true self. The passengers are requested to sit tight as the journey is going to be full of waves. I am on the process of engineering my mind for the desired level of brain functions. I have got some very interesting tales to tell. This voyage is still on and I have no idea about what else is out there in the unexplored dimensions of the subconscious. Let's find out together.   

The best ideas ping in solitude. It is a very well said fact that the more you spend time introspecting alone, the more you think clearly.  It is not going to work instantly, you may have to try many times. See, there is a reason behind this, as we are too much indulged with the surroundings that it takes time for the brain to adopt a new environment. Be patient and give some time to it. You were confused for so long hence, it is going to take some time. Most of the people fail to surpass this phase due to lack of patience. But remember, "Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit," said Moliere, a French playwright and poet.

You may be expecting some kind of miracle in your life. For this purpose, we always have a magic house available in the form of books. "Books are uniquely portable magic," said Stephen King. We often roam in search of motivation while the largest source of motivation can be found in the books. If we analyse the top billionaires and entrepreneurs, we can find one common habit among them, that's their consistent habit of reading. It is found that they set a goal of reading at least one book every fortnight. However, we are not focused on developing riches right now but, we should be focused on the methods used by these successful people to calm their mind while handling large businesses, and reading is the prime one. Try to avoid e-books as they will strain your eyes instead of motivating you.

The existence of irregularity in your life may be the prime cause of your anxiety or depression. It seems very simple to establish a well-planned routine but believe me, it is the hardest thing to achieve. If you want to do something big, you have to perfect your small habits today. These small habits are the most important ones that we skip. One day only these habits are going to pile up and evolve the best version of you. I hear many people saying "I control my destiny" but, if you cannot control when to wake up in the morning, how can you be so sure about being in full control of your destiny. The best way to initiate a consistent routine is to start with one at a time. First, try to wake up early in the morning. Once it becomes your habit, move on to some aerobic exercises (Yoga/meditation/breathing exercises) followed by a healthy breakfast. Once you perfect these small habits, you automatically develop a sense of accomplishment that can boost up any task or goal.

You become what you eat. Our body grows by the accumulation of useful matter(nutrients) acquired from the food we eat. The quality of our food intake decides the quality of our life. Our well-being is based on the metabolism of our body. A healthy meal with lots of veggies is very easily metabolised by our body. Try to maintain a gap of two hours between consecutive intake of food. You can carry dry fruits with you and can ingest them between your meals following the two-hour gap rule. Don't stay hungry for a long time, it is also one of the prime reasons for anxiety and depression. You can try short term fasting as it leads to mood enhancement and emotional harmony.

If you are an office guy and spend most of your time on screen and gadgets, you can blame your screen time for your anxious lifestyle. There are several studies published online stating the adverse effect of spending too much time on electronic gadgets. The social media can provide you with virtual friends but you cannot have an emotional connection with most of them. Technology may have improved our lifestyle but at the same instant, it has deteriorated our creativity too. Reducing the use of electronic gadgets can reduce the chances of anxiety and deteriorated mental health significantly.